Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Random things I liked today

 Texture on the side of an old, rotting house
 Dog sleeping by red wall
Birds in a freshly plowed tea field

Old house

A lot of these cool old houses are being reclaimed by the forest.

Monday, November 29, 2010

We took a day trip to the north coast

The squid fishing boats
  Trash filled "beach"
Awesome rocks

Lots of the cost is covered with these concrete things to reduce erosion.

Soaking our feet at a hot spring near Taipei

Mos Burger

I had a rice bun, pork burger at Mos Burger.
Not bad...

Some things are just wrong...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tsu Keng Yau 相坑窯

This is one of my favorite places in Taiwan. It's a art gallery and studio.
He is an amazing artist.  Scroll through a few samples here >> http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/tsukengyau-170576/article?mid=1464&prev=1600&next=1408

Enjoying some coffee and tea

Huge spider

Check out this huge spider.
It's larger than my outstretched hand!