Friday, December 31, 2010

Sculptures of Christine and Kyle

These are works-in-progress. They should be done by March or April

Monday, December 27, 2010

朱義成 - Master Sculptor

朱義成 Is an incredible ceramic sculptor with a studio in LongTan and a second studio in the noted ceramics town of Yingge
There are a few photos of his home studio here >>

Here is a YouTube about him >>

Here are some of the works on display in his Yingge studio and showroom:

Note: His 2 most important statues ever, are in progress right now...hint. hint. hint...

 Very delicate and beautiful

 This is still too wet for very fine detail, but it looked very detailed to me.
He was working on it a little bit while we where there.

 This bronze is about 3 ft tall

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Random things I liked in 鶯歌 Yingge

朱老師 fanning his charcoal tea heater on the sidewalk in Yingge 鶯歌 
A lot more about him in the next few posts...

 cool junk piled in someone's shop
I love these huge steamer baskets