Wednesday, December 15, 2010

竹山鎮 - The river

Behind our hotel, and totally ignored by the constant stream of tour buses, is this spectacular river.
The photos can't possibly show how great this place was.
I am not religious, but this kind of place gives me that sort of feeling.

Pathway from our hotel through the bamboo forest to the river.

To get a feel for the scale, click on it and look for Denise on top of the boulder.

Pollywog's in the creek

Using a vine to climb onto a rock, just like in the movies!

Christine crossing on a bamboo bridge we made.
The water was cool, but not really cold
There was a group of workers in the bamboo forest searching for bamboo shoots for soup.
 The next day we went again
This time of year people burn stacks of fake money and other things to symbolically send it to the other world beyond. this small bit was left behind but they had done a large pile.

 Click to see Denise.

Someone had made this bridge.

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