Thursday, December 23, 2010

Trip to 三義 - SanYi

We took an overnight trip to the city of 三義 ( San Yi ) about an hour south from LongTan.
The city is famous for it's carved wood sculptures.

We stayed at this cool place. They have it set up to feel very organic, it's hard to capture in photos.

 Ducks, geese,and fish in the pond.
 "DIY" is popular at these sort of country retreat places. Many Taipei people visit of a couple of days and do crafts to kill time.

 We did tye-dye

 The rinsing sink

 Huge old jars are the vats with dye
 Hanging to dry
The results:
From top left- Kyle,Denise,Eric,Christine
At night:

Vegetarian hot pot for dinner

 We played Risk

Our room was the white part up the stone steps. It had the feel of a tree house.

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