Thursday, December 23, 2010

Woodcarvers of 三義 - SanYi

The main attraction in San Yi is the large number of woodcarvers. The area's mountains are covered with Tung trees ( Tung oil ) and Camphor trees.

The sculpture in this shop is mostly formed by chainsaw. The guy in back is using a chisel to add details. They are making fish.

 This guy is using an electric tool similar to a Dremel.

 Chisel and knives
 Wood is overflowing out of their shop.
 These were fantastic chairs
 Lady making the chairs
 We found this guy's shop/gallery down a little street (the type where you need to fold in your side mirrors to drive in)
He had stuff packed in and flowing up the stairs

I would have bought this one if I had enough money. The rock was in the tree so he made it an old man and woman resting on the rock.
This artist has been carving wood for a long time so now he makes less marketable, but more interesting things than the repetitive stuff on the main street.

 A work in progress. He usually looks at the wood and let's it tell him what it should become.
This one is going to be great.

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