Wednesday, December 15, 2010

竹山鎮- on our trip to Southern Taiwan

Our first stop on the way down south was Jhushan (竹山鎮)   <  "Bamboo Mountain" township
We had lunch at a place near the freeway and on the road to the bamboo forest area. Everything in this area is set up for Taiwanese bus tourists.

Still, the food was ok.
We had done a Google search for a hotel before we left so that's the one we checked first. Good thing, it was great.

The nice lady even made us tea in the Taiwanese style. They often have these large tables with built in drains because they intentionally pour water and tea all over the cups and pot.
The room key needs to be in this holder by the door for the electricity to work, when you leave the room all the power goes out to save electricity costs.
The other highlight was the fancy Japanese toilet. Push a button to wash your butt.
Great fun.

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