Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fender bender- Taiwan style

After safely driving in downtown Taipei, Tainan, and numerous other crazy crowded narrow streets swarming with motorcycles and wild dogs I have had my first car accident. In a near empty parking lot!
It's a testament to the value of fear in heightening your senses. Driving or riding a motorcycle here requires constant and focused attention so the dangerous bits have been fine.
I was in a large parking lot with very other cars a a restaurant. I backed out of my spot without even looking and crunched the fender of another car.

We asked the restaurant owner to find out who's car it was. She also called a local body shop. The body shop guy showed up 5 minutes later and looked over the damage. He told the owner and us that it's about $4,000 NT ( about $133 US).
After apologizing and such I paid the owner $5,000 cash ($160 US) and we were done.

This would have cost at least 20 times as much in the US and involved a lot of hassle for everyone.

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